We’re finally back in the 90s! The fourth season premiere of Spider-Man: The Animated Series zooms past the tragic aftermath of last season and pivots to a noir-style mystery

Okay, let’s do this one more time! We’ve got our full spoiler thoughts about Across the Spider-Verse, and big surprise–it’s a jaw-droppingly good work of art.
Walloping Websnappers #187: “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse”

Ultimate Spider-Man does a found footage episode! As Mary Jane tries to get a big scoop on a Hulk attack, almost the entire story is told from the lens of her camera, leading to ambitious animation and incredibly creative storytelling choices.
Walloping Websnappers #179: “Exclusive”

Ultimate Spider-Man goes full Looney Tunes with a Taskmaster that manages to be formidable and dangerous, a cartoony Wile E. Coyote villain, and full-camp gay.
Walloping Websnappers #178: “Why I Hate Gym”

In this episode, Eric is joined by Chris (@TokuChris) of the Dads Are Dorks Podcast (@DadsAreDorks) and Josh (@LivingRangerKey) of @LightningFigPR and the YouTube Channel @TokuTopics, to have a real talk about Hasbro and quality control in the Lightning Collection.
Ranger Command Power Hour #211: “Rangers Real Talk: Lightning Collection ...

Venom has arrived to crash the party! The S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff takes a backseat in this monster movie/bodysnatchers-style episode that explores how Peter’s superhero teammates are impacting his non-superhero friendship with Harry…
Walloping Websnappers #176: “(Ultimate) Venom”

https://media.blubrry.com/fern/mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/f59dre/RCPH210.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedRanger Command Power Hour Episode 210 – RCPH 9th Anniversary Special It’s time to Ranger Up with Eric, A.P. and Zach as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR! We celebrate 9 […]
Ranger Command Power Hour #210: “RCPH 9th Anniversary Special”

Ultimate Spider-Man continues to set up its high-concept premise as Spidey officially joins S.H.I.E.L.D., which includes leading a team he doesn’t want made up of Marvel heroes who don’t like him.
Walloping Websnappers #174: “Great Responsibility”

You’ve heard an amazing podcast, but are you ready to hear the ULTIMATE podcast? We’ve finally begun our deep dive into the long-running, comedic, and at times controversial Spider-Man cartoon: Ultimate Spider-Man!